I don’t know why I bother, once I return to Spanish infested SE Florida it’ll all disappear anyways. It’s still fun to dream right? Whatever. LOL
Okay, it has been a while, so I did a lot in the last few days so not to bore people with descriptions, I’m just gonna list stuff. If I feel like expanding, I will. And as per request, I’m writing these in Word first before placing them in the email since the lack of capital “i” are pissing some people off.
Well, I didn’t go to Luzern yet since I found an exhibition that’s opening on the 25 of October I want to see, so next week.
Last weekend was Liechtenstein (it’s a TINY country between Austria and Switzerland. You can drive through it in 25 minutes.). It’s a 3 hour train ride; Schaffahusen to Rorschach to Buchs then a bus to Vaduz (the capital of Liechtenstein. It’s nice to see a country with barely any poverty, everyone has a job, and everyone is middle class or above. Well, they have more companies and
factories than people. Regardless, I visited the Landmusuem to learn about its rich history and then to the Art Museum for an amazing exhibition called, Modernism as a Ruin. Deals with a lot of my personal concepts in my art. It’s on loan from Nuremberg, Germany.
They have a strange German dialect that I barely understood but funny thing is, they all speak English which I didn’t realize until after I spoke to them in German and then another person comes up behind me and speaks in English.
Then Tuesday was French-Swiss day. It’s a 4-5 hour train ride so I dedicated a whole day to it. Sat with some Americans (by accident, they found me) all the way from Zürich to Lausanne. From there I traveled to Nyon and took a mountain bus to Chateau de Prangins where I saw a great exhibition. The one thing I will thank the French for is bringing everyone out of the Christian inspired dark ages. Blessed science! Blessed Literacy! Blessed medicine! Blessed personal hygiene! It was really cool to see some of the first indoor plumbing showers, books on delivering babies and STD guides.
Then went to Vevey to go to the camera museum which was awesome. Then took a boat from Vevey to Lausanne. It was cold that day, -2 C so like 29 F? And I and these two gay guys from America were the only people sitting outside. We huddled together, watching the sunset and enjoyed the ride, waving to kids who were waving to the boat as it passed by. An hour and a half later, we arrived to Lausanne and never being there before, we found the underground tram that took us to the Gare (they didn’t know that was the French term for train station). At the
Gare/Bahnhof, they continued off to Genevé (Geneva) while I waited for the IC and headed back to Zurich.
Too bad I fell asleep on the bus, (I had to get up at 4:30am to catch a train out) and had to walk a good thirty minutes back to the house. Luckily, it’s right on our jogging path so it was familiar.
The next day, I went boating on Lake Zurich, which was fun. Weather had predicted that it would rain. It was nice to see that the sun came out by the time I got to Rapperswill.
Went to Kika (in Germany) and got pants! My 16W jeans have officially become useless (even with a belt) and I needed another pair of pants. Got a 44 (14) pair of black courds, would have gotten a 42 (12) but my only problem with the 12s is that I don’t have a waist, so its tight
and the “muffin-top” even though its in style, doesn’t looks good on anybody. I’m thinking of getting another pair since it was cheap, 9,99 Euros or 13,50 CHF.
Okay, since nobody remembered, the CHF is EQUAL to the $ right now, so I am not converting amounts to the $. The Euro is very high, unfortunately, so that’s why I show conversions. It may look like you get a lot for your money but you have to think about it like this: If I give 20 CHF to trade in, I’m only going to get back not even 14 Euros.
The boy’s birthday party is Sunday. They’ll be two.
I think I’ll be heading to Basel tomorrow.
The mail is delivered by a person on a motorcycle and they come twice a day. The streets are narrow here that it would be pointless to have a truck.
Das Woche, Ich koche; chicken und dumplings, meat loaf oder Fleischbraten, honey-rosemary cakes, biscuits, und baked Wurst und Käse sandwiches. Ist schmeckt sehr gut!
Ich wünche alle ein schön Schlaf!

Pic 1: Watching a guy seriously diving in the freezing weather in Rorschach.

Pic 2: Schloss Vaduz. The country is ruled by a monarchy so the royal family lives there.

Pic 3: From Buchs to Rorschach.

Pic 4: View from Chateau de Prangins overlooking Lake Geneva.

Pic 5: On the way to Lausanne.
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