Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bargains and Word

Well, first, I have to brag about my savings. :) So last Saturday and today was rather enjoyable. Enjoyed a massive discount on food we eat around the house, things like cereals, beans and rice was the highlight of these past two weeks. Today's highlights (mostly for mom) was Claritin and vitamins.

 The highlight of last Saturday was the tampons, beans and rice. The tampons, I ended up donating half of them to a nearby domestic abuse shelter - thanks to the recommendation of a friend. :) Honestly, I rather they have it because I know it will be appreciated.

Today was fair, the best savings were in the vitamin and OTC allergy pills which come in handy.

I don't have much to report these past two weeks. Mostly caught up in working. I am realizing that even though OpenOffice is a really cool smaller and cheaper version of Word, it does not compare to Word. Now I am in the market to find maybe Word 2003 for a cheap price. There are quite a lot of pros to OpenOffice but and just as many cons. The spellcheck makes me want to kill something. It will suddenly just crash if you spellcheck for a certain number of words. I doesn't help you out much with your grammar goof-ups. After reading 100,000+ words, my mind gets tired. It becomes harder and harder for me to find my goofs. And the one thing I miss from Word are the grammar recommendations. I don't always use them but sometimes, it makes you consider that maybe you did not word something correctly.

Last week my husband and I enjoyed 13 Bedar with a lovely picnic. It made us think about doing more little morning outings - no cell phones, no internet, just the both of us in nature. It was definitely a very awesome day.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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