Friday, March 23, 2012

April Display Up, Weaves and Savings

April display at the library is done. I know no one really takes a peek but its a time I get to enjoy my creative side and do something fun. Big thanks to one of my co-workers who picked the books! April we feature our sidewalk chalk festival so it is a creative April. April is also National Poetry Month.

Upper part of the display featuring the details of the Chalk festival. The drawing on the shelf is mine, just a doodle with the chalk they gave me. 

Made cardboard risers so that people could read the poems I chose. Featuring; Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Hafiz, Sappho, Edgar Allen Poe, a Basque poem and Krista J. Mikula.

It's been almost a week since I gave my readers my work. Last night, I barely slept thinking, "Oh goodness, they must think its horrible, I'm crazy, freaking bonkers..." Then as I got over that minor anxiety attack, I suddenly realized that I need to go back in and fix a couple of things. So I've made a list. I need to replace some words. Part of it was learning about what a weave was. A coworker who gets extensions every other month or so, was ever so kind to quell my curiosity. I'm sure she thought I was being a little too curious, but I had a mess of questions. Now I know how a weave is put in, how long it should stay in, the difference between synthetic hair and real hair and whether or not it can be washed. 

I'm pretty sure she was weirded out when I asked to see a part that was sewn but luckily, an hour or so later, she showed me after her break. And let me touch! What does this have to do with anything? I have one black character and one mixed. It just helps me to write them better since the one woman takes care about her appearance. 

Thank you!

Last and not least, after work, I did some shopping. Took advantage of some sales. Whenever I shop, I aim for a minimum of 45% savings. Today I enjoyed getting steals on gum (I chew it at work), tissues and laxatives (for my dad) and of course feminine items. Had to share since this is a typical shopping day.

Overall, a good Friday! Now hopefully crossing my fingers for another great couponing day tomorrow.

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