Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bargain Hunting: Today's Adventure = Food

For some, that may sound like the most boring, awfullest waste of time. Well, good for you that you have money to just waste. Maybe you can let me have some of it.

I married the best man on this planet, he was the one who got me into couponing, and now we revel in the fact that we can stock the house for cheap or nothing. It's lost of work, mind you, but 100% worth it in the end. I spend about 10-15 hours a week on bargain hunting. We aren't rich, none of us make enough money to barely survive - whatever deal we can find, we will.

With the luck of the Irish on my side this morning, mom, my husband and I went to one of those warehouse places that we have been visiting for the last few weeks and went bonkers on the food. Its all things we eat at the house. We had to protect our stash because ravenous hausefrauen were eye-balling our stuff. MINE!

After we came home and sorted though everything we of course had to call my mother-in-law to brag - she appreciates these kinds of things :) - then I sat down afterwards to calculate our savings via a spreadsheet. Enjoy! For the retail, I rounded down or up. The difference is by $0.01 cent. And I used the average of three local stores, that I normally coupon at, that carry these products.

It came out to a saving of  +/- 70.36 %. Not bad for a Saturday morning. Happy St. Patty's Day!

ps: I had to adjust, I forgot to double check with receipt. I was too excited to post!

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